07961774180 yktakamura@yahoo.co.uk
My Yoga Journey

“Breath is everything.”

In 1999, I attended my first yoga class, and it felt as if I had just emerged from a refreshing swim in the sea. All the mental cobwebs were blown away, and I experienced a profound sense of joy and clarity. From that moment on, I immersed myself in various yoga classes, exploring different lineages. At first, my focus was solely on asana, constantly pushing myself to achieve the perfect pose. I believed I wasn’t “good at yoga” because I couldn’t do certain poses due to a lack of flexibility or strength. My practice became more about the physical, and I often pushed myself beyond my limits, leading to injuries and discomfort. At times, this even forced me to take breaks from my practice.

In 2008, I moved to Brighton and discovered Vajrasati Yoga at the Brighton Buddhist Centre, taught by Jim Tarran, the founder of Vajrasati Yoga. Jim’s class was unlike anything I had experienced before. He taught me to accept physical limitations, to experience and observe the subtle sensations as they are—without judgment, and to find richness and enjoyment in those sensations while surrendering to the natural flow of my breath.

Vajrasati Yoga draws from many important yoga texts but places significant emphasis on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which teach that yoga’s ultimate goal is samadhi—a state of complete absorption and oneness. Meditation is the process that takes us toward this state, and asana serves as a gateway, preparing the body and mind for deeper practice. Through asana, the sense of “me, myself, and I” begins to dissolve into the present moment. Yoga becomes a practice of cultivating moment-to-moment awareness, with breath as the guiding force—calm, peaceful, and deep.

My passion for yoga deepened, and in 2017, I enrolled in a 500-hour, two-year Vajrasati Yoga Teacher Training. The emphasis on pranayama and breath-centeredness in Vajrasati Yoga became the foundation of my daily life. The lessons I’ve learned through my training and practice have profoundly influenced every aspect of my life. 

Vajrasati Yoga is inclusive and adaptable, making it accessible to everyone. I offer one-to-one sessions tailored to your individual needs, whether you’re seeking relaxation, guidance with pranayama, or help building confidence in your practice. This “listening and responding “ to present moment allows you to connect deeper and have better relationship with your body and experiences. This way I have have done my first headstand at the age 48! You can move with greater ease when you make deeper connection with your being. I provide small group lessons, which allow for personalized attention in a supportive environment, and workshops that offer a deeper exploration of Vajrasati Yoga principles.

Let’s practice together, breathe together, and discover the profound benefits of Vajrasati Yoga—a journey that never ends and leads us toward our centre.